
Türkçe hakim nedir, Türkçe - İngilizce sözlük hakim ne demek?

adj. dominating, commanding, dominant, predominant, magisterial, sov\'ran
n. judge, ruler, adjudicator, justice, savant, recorder, Solon, beak
* * *
1. demiurge
2. predominant
3. master (n.)

adj. dominating, commanding, dominant, predominant, magisterial, sov\'ran
n. judge, ruler, adjudicator, justice, savant, recorder, Solon, beak
* * *

sage \" bilge; God\" Tanrý

\"ruler; judge; ruling, dominating, masterful; supreme, dominant, predominant; overlooking, dominating\"

1. sage, a profoundly wise man. 2. philosopher. 3. wise, sage, sagacious.

\"1. ruling, dominating. 2. dominant, supreme. 3. biol. dominant. 4. /a/ (one) who can control, who has discipline over (his emotions, actions, etc.). 5. /a/ overlooking, commanding a view of. 6. judge; justice. 7. ruler. -ler heyeti bench, bench of judges. - kılmak /ı, a/ to make (someone, something) dominant (over). - olmak /a/ 1. to rule, rule over. 2. to dominate, predominate, have a commanding influence over. 3. to control, have discipline over (one´s emotions, actions, etc.). 4. to overlook, command a view of. -in reddi recusation, rejection of a judge.\"

a. ruler; judge ¤ s. ruling, dominating, masterful; supreme, dominant, predominant; overlooking, dominating hakim kürsüsü bench hakim olmak a) to rule, to dominate b) to master c) to control d) to overlook, to dominate hakim rüzgar prevailing wind hakim yaka crew-neck a. sage * bilge; God * Tanrı

Türkçe - İngilizce sözlüğünde Türkçe hakim kelimesinin İngilizce manası nedir? Türkçe dilindeki hakim kelimesinin İngilizce dilindeki manasını yukarıda okuyabilirsiniz. hakim diğer dillerde anlamlarına aşağıdan ulaşabilirsiniz.

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