
Arapça قدر nedir, Arapça - İngilizce sözlük قدر ne demek?

قَدَر: قِسْمَة، نَصِيب
fate, destiny, lot; predestination

قَدَرَ (على، أنْ): اِسْتَطَاعَ
ـ انظر: قَدِرَ

قَدَرَ(هُ حَقّ قَدْرِه)
ـ انظر: قَدّرَ

قَدِرَ (على، أنْ): اِسْتَطَاعَ
can; to be able (to), be capable (of), be in a position (to), have or possess the ability or power (to); to be or become possible for, feasible for; to afford (to), manage (to)

قَدّرَ: خَمّنَ، قَوّمَ، ثَمّنَ
to estimate, assess, appraise, evaluate, valuate, value, rate

قَدّرَ(هُ حَقّ قَدْرِهِ)
to appreciate, esteem, value highly, prize, cherish, treasure

قَدّرَ (الظّرُوفَ، الوَضْعَ إلخ): تَفَهّمَ، راعَى
to appreciate; to understand, sympathize with; to be understanding, sympathetic, considerate; to take into consideration or account

قَدّرَ: اِفْتَرَضَ، حَسِبَ، اِعْتَبَرَ
to suppose, assume, presume; to think, believe, consider, judge; to reckon, guess, count, figure up

قَدّرَ: تَوَقّعَ
to anticipate, expect, foresee

قَدّرَ (على): جَعَلَهُ قادِراً (على)، مَكّنَ
to enable (to), put in a position (to), make possible (for)

قَدْر: مِقْدار، كَمّيّة، حَجْم، حَدّ، دَرَجَة
amount, quantity, magnitude, size, volume, proportion, deal, number, measure; extent, degree, scope, range, rate

قَدْر: قِيمَة، أهَمّيّة، شَأن
worth, value; account, importance; standing, prestige, rank

قَدْر: فاصِلَةٌ مُوسِيقِيّة

قَدْرَ، بِقَدْر، على قَدْر: بِنِسْبَةِ كَذَا، تَبَعاً لِـ
in proportion to, in the same degree that; according to, in accordance with, pursuant to, commensurate with, corresponding to

قَدْرَ، بِقَدْر، على قَدْر: مُسَاوٍ لِـ
equal to, equivalent to, amounting to; worth

قِدْر: إنَاء (لِلطّبْخ)
(cooking) pot, kettle; jar

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