
Arapça حل nedir, Arapça - İngilizce sözlük حل ne demek?

حل / انحلال / محلول
solution [Industry: Milling]

حَلّ: فَكّ
to untie, unfasten, unbind, undo, unravel, loosen, unloose, unfix, unwind, unscrew, untangle, disentangle, disengage, free

حَلّ: أذَابَ، ذَوّبَ
to dissolve, melt, liquefy

حَلّ: حَلّلَ، رَدّهُ إلى عَنَاصِرِهِ
to analyze; to decompose, decompound, break (up), break down, disintegrate, dissolve, resolve

حَلّ: فَضّ (البَرْلَمَانَ إلخ)
to dissolve, disband, break up (a parliament, an organization, a company, etc.)

حَلّ: أرْخَى
to loosen, slacken, unloose, unstring, ease off; to relax

حَلّ: أطْلَقَ، حَرّرَ
to release, free, liberate, set free, discharge, let go

حَلّ (بِـ، في، عِنْدَ، على): نَزَلَ، أقامَ
to halt at, stop at, make at stop at, alight at, dismount at, camp at, encamp at; to stay at, lodge at, put up at, stop over at, take lodgings at, take up quarters at; to settle down in, reside in, live in, dwell in, inhabit

حَلّ (الفَصْلُ، المَوْسِمُ إلخ): بَدَأ، أتَى
to set in, arrive, begin, start, dawn

حَلّ (اللّوْنُ): بَهِتَ
to fade, dim, pale, wan, blanch, tarnish, faint

حَلّ: كانَ حَلاَلاً
to be or become lawful, legal, licit, legitimate, permissible, permitted, allowable, allowed, admissible, unprohibited, unforbidden, unproscribed

حَلّ (الدّيْنُ إلخ): اِسْتَحَقّ
to mature, become (or fall) due, become payable

حَلّ: فَكّ
untying, unfastening, unbinding, undoing, unraveling, loosening, unwinding, unscrewing, disentanglement, disengagement, freeing

حَلّ: جَوَاب

حَلّ: إيجادُ الجَوَاب
solution, solving, resolution, settlement, working (out), unriddling, unraveling

حَلّ: إذَابَة، تَذْوِيب
dissolution, dissolving, solution, melting, liquefaction

حَلّ: تَحْلِيل، رَدّ الشّيْءِ إلى عَنَاصِرِهِ
ـ انظر: تَحْلِيل

حَلّ: فَضّ (البَرْلَمَانِ إلخ)
dissolution, disbandment, breaking up

حَلّ: إرْخَاء
loosening, slackening, unloosing, unstringing, easing, off; relaxation

حَلّ: إطْلاق، تَحْرِير
release, releasing, freeing, liberation, discharge, discharging

حَلّ: إبْراء
absolution, acquittal, discharge, release, disengagement, clearing, relief, exemption, exoneration, freeing

حَلّ (العُقْدَةِ، في رِوَايَةٍ أو مَسْرَحِيّة)

حِلّ: حَلاَل، مُبَاح
ـ انظر: حَلاَل

Arapça - İngilizce sözlüğünde Arapça حل kelimesinin İngilizce manası nedir? Arapça dilindeki حل kelimesinin İngilizce dilindeki manasını yukarıda okuyabilirsiniz. حل diğer dillerde anlamlarına aşağıdan ulaşabilirsiniz.

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