
Arapça ملك nedir, Arapça - İngilizce sözlük ملك ne demek?

مَلَك: مَلاَك

مَلَكَ: اِقْتَنَى
to possess, own, have

مَلَكَ: اِسْتَوْلَى على
to appropriate, take possession of, occupy, possess oneself of, take or lay hold of, take over, seize, capture; to acquire, take or get as one's own, come into possession or control of; to dominate, control; to master, become master of; to rule over, reign over, have power or authority over, hold sway over; to overwhelm, overpower, overcome

مَلِك: عاهِل
king, monarch, sovereign

مَلّكَ(ـهُ الشّيْءَ)
to make the owner of, possess of, put in possession of, invest with ownership or possession of; to transfer to, alienate to, make over to, assign to, convey to, deliver to

مُلْك: حُكْم، سُلْطَة
reign, rule, supreme power or authority, sway, dominion, domination, dominance

مُلْك: ما يَمْلِكُهُ الإنْسانُ
ـ انظر: مِلْك

مُلْك: مِلْكِيّة
ـ انظر: مِلْكِيّة

مِلْك: ما يَمْلِكُهُ الإنْسانُ
property, possession(s); estate; domain; holding(s), tenement
مِلْكٌ ثابِت، مِلْكٌ عامّ، مِلْكٌ مُشَاع، مِلْكٌ مَنْقُول

Arapça - İngilizce sözlüğünde Arapça ملك kelimesinin İngilizce manası nedir? Arapça dilindeki ملك kelimesinin İngilizce dilindeki manasını yukarıda okuyabilirsiniz. ملك diğer dillerde anlamlarına aşağıdan ulaşabilirsiniz.

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