
Türkçe sabit nedir, Türkçe - İngilizce sözlük sabit ne demek?

adj. fixed, constant, stationary, set, settled, immobile, immovable, permanent, stable, firm, attached, changeless, entrenched, established, fast, flat, flat footed, immutable, indelible, invariable, irremovable, put, real, rigid, staid, standing
* * *
1. stable
2. stationary
3. unalterable
4. unshakable
5. unshaken
6. apodictic
7. constant
8. pivot
9. steadier (adj.)
10. steady (adj.)
11. fixed (adj.)

\"fixed; stationary; constant; static; stable, firm; immobile, immovable; (renk, boya) fast; indelible\"

\",-ti 1. fixed, stationary; stable; invariable, constant. 2. fast (color, dye), (color) that won´t fade or rub off; indelible (ink, stain, pencil). 3. fixed (stare). 4. proven, established. - balon mil. captive balloon. - fikir fixed idea, idée fixe. - fiyat fixed price. - gelir fixed income. - yıldız fixed star.\"

s. fixed; stationary; constant; static; stable, firm; immobile, immovable; (renk, boya) fast; indelible; built-in sabit ağırlık constant weight sabit akım constant current sabit alan constant field sabit anten fixed antenna sabit arma standing rigging sabit dingil fixed axle sabit direnç fixed resistor sabit disk hard disk sabit fikir fixed idea, obsession sabit fikirli intransigent, hidebound hkr. sabit fiyat fixed price sabit flanş fixed flange sabit frekans fixed-frequency sabit gelir fixed income sabit gerilim constant voltage sabit hatve fixed pitch sabit havuz dry dock sabit hedef fixed target sabit hız constant speed sabit ivme constant acceleration sabit kasnak fixed pulley sabit kiriş fixed beam sabit kondansatör fixed capacitor sabit mesnet fixed support sabit mil fixed shaft sabit motor fixed engine sabit mürekkep indelible ink sabit nicelik invariant sabit nokta fixed point sabit odaklı fixed focus sabit öngerilim fixed bias sabit potansiyel constant potential sabit sıcaklık constant temperature sabit tavan fixed roof sabit uç fixed end sabit varlıklar capital assets sabit yağ fixed oil sabit yük constant load

Türkçe - İngilizce sözlüğünde Türkçe sabit kelimesinin İngilizce manası nedir? Türkçe dilindeki sabit kelimesinin İngilizce dilindeki manasını yukarıda okuyabilirsiniz. sabit diğer dillerde anlamlarına aşağıdan ulaşabilirsiniz.

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