
Türkçe zahmet nedir, Türkçe - İngilizce sözlük zahmet ne demek?

n. bother, exertion, grueling, gruelling, inconvenience, onerousness, pain, painstaking, punishment, struggle, toil, travail, trouble, pains

trouble, pains, bother

,-ti trouble, difficulty, inconvenience. - çekmek to have trouble, have difficulty. -e değmek (for something) to be worth the trouble (it takes to do it). -e değmez. It´s not worth the trouble. - etmek 1. to put oneself out, inconvenience oneself. 2. /a, kadar/ to take the trouble to come or go to, be so kind as to come or go to (a place): Büroma kadar zahmet ederseniz vaziyeti size anlatırım. If you´ll be so kind as to come to my office, I´ll explain the situation to you. -e girmek to put oneself out, inconvenience oneself. - olmazsa if it doesn´t put you out .../if it doesn´t put you to any trouble .../if it doesn´t inconvenience you .... -e sokmak /ı/ to put (someone) to trouble, trouble, put (someone) out, inconvenience. - vermek /a/ to inconvenience, trouble, put (someone) out.

a. trouble, pains, bother zahmet çekmek to suffer trouble zahmet etmek to take pains, to bother, to trouble zahmet vermek to trouble, to inconvenience zahmete değmek to be well worth the trouble zahmete girmek to bother, to put oneself out zahmete sokmak to put sb to trouble

Türkçe - İngilizce sözlüğünde Türkçe zahmet kelimesinin İngilizce manası nedir? Türkçe dilindeki zahmet kelimesinin İngilizce dilindeki manasını yukarıda okuyabilirsiniz. zahmet diğer dillerde anlamlarına aşağıdan ulaşabilirsiniz.

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