
Türkçe telli nedir, Türkçe - İngilizce sözlük telli ne demek?

adj. wired, stringed, funicular


\"1. (something) which contains a wire or wires, which has been strung with a wire or wires, which has been strung around with wire, or which has wire strung along it; bound with or reinforced with wire, wired. 2. (bride) adorned with very thin silver or gold-colored wires. - bebek woman who is frivolous and excessively fond of finery. - cam wire glass, wired glass. - çalgılar mus. stringed instruments, strings. - kâğıt gilded or silvered paper. - pullu showily decked out or bedizened. - sazlar mus. stringed instruments, strings.\"

s. wired telli cam wire glass telli çalgı stringed instrument telli sigorta wire fuse

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