
Türkçe kılık nedir, Türkçe - İngilizce sözlük kılık ne demek?

n. appearance, apparel, dress, attire, garb, guise, jersey

\"appearance; dress, costume; guise\"

1. (outward) appearance (of someone). 2. form, shape. - değiştirmek to alter completely one´s appearance. - kıyafet (outward) appearance (of someone). - kıyafet düşkünü (someone) whose appearance is shabby or unprepossessing. - kıyafeti düzmek to renew one´s wardrobe, fit oneself out with new clothes. - kıyafet, köpeklere ziyafet. colloq. He looks like something the cat brought in.

a. appearance; dress, costume; guise kılığına girmek to masquerade (as sth)

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