
Arapça عين nedir, Arapça - İngilizce sözlük عين ne demek?

عَيّنَ: حَدّدَ
to specify, determine, fix, pinpoint, individualize, particularize, itemize, designate, identify, mark (out), indicate, point out, set, stipulate, lay down, assign, appoint

عَيّنَ (في مَنْصِبٍ أو مَرْكَز)
to appoint, assign, nominate, designate, name (to an office or post)

عَيّنَ: خَصّصَ، أفْرَدَ
to earmark, single out, designate, destine, assign, set aside or apart

عَيّنَ: حَصّصَ
to allot, apportion, allocate, assign

عَيْن: عُضْوُ البَصَر

عَيْن، عَيْنٌ لامّة، عَيْنٌ مُصِيبَةٌ بِسُوء
evil eye

عَيْن: يَنْبُوع
spring, source, fountainhead, headspring, wellhead, wellspring, springhead, fountain, well

عَيْن: جاسُوس

عَيْن: مُسْتَكْشِف، مُسْتَطْلِع
scout, reconnoiterer, explorer

عَيْن: ناظِر، مُرَاقِب
overseer, inspector, supervisor, superintendent

عَيْن: حارِس
lookout, guard, watch(man)

عَيْن: ثُقْبُ الإبْرَة
eye, threading hole

عَيْن: عُمْلَةٌ مَعْدِنِيّة
specie, coin(s)

عَيْن: نَقْدٌ حاضِر
cash, ready money

عَيْن: مال، أمْوال، مِلْك
property, assets, personalty, personal property, chattel(s), goods

عَيْن: رِباً، فائِدَة
usury; interest

عَيْن: خِيْرَة، صَفْوَة
choice, pick, prime, flower, cream, top, elite

عَيْن: وَجِيه
notable, dignitary, person of distinction, prominent person, leading personality, VIP

عَيْن: سَيّد
lord, master, chief, head

عَيْن: جَوْهَر
substance, essence

عَيْن (كذا), عَيْنُهُ، بِعَيْنِهِ: نَفْسُهُ، ذاتُهُ
the same, the very same, the very, the selfsame, the identical

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