
Arapça سار nedir, Arapça - İngilizce sözlük سار ne demek?

سارٍ (السّارِي): مُعْدٍ
contagious, infectious, communicable, catching, transmissible

سار، سارِي المَفْعُول
effective, operative, valid, in effect, in force, in operation, enforceable, applicable

سارٍ: سائِرٌ لَيْلاً
night traveler; traveling by night

سارَ: مَشَى
to walk, tread, go on foot; to pace; to march

سارَ: تَحَرّكَ، تَقَدّمَ
to move (on, along), be in motion; to go, get going, set out, start; to proceed, advance

سارَ: رَحَلَ
to go away, leave, depart, move away

سارَ: تَقَدّمَ، جَرَى
to progress, make progress, advance, make head, make way; to proceed, go on; to be going on, underway, in progress, in process, on foot

سارَ: اِشْتَغَلَ، دارَ
to run, function, work, operate, go, be in operation

سارَ: ذاعَ، شاعَ
to circulate, get about, make the rounds, be current, be in circulation

سارَ: سَلَكَ، تَصَرّفَ
to behave, act, conduct oneself

سارّ: بَهِيج، مُفْرِح
delightful, pleasant, cheerful, cheering, gladdening, gratifying, happy, glad, joyful, bright

سارّ: أعْلَمَهُ بِسِرّ
ـ انظر: أسَرّ إلَيْه

سارّ: هَمَسَ في أُذُنِه
to whisper in someone's ear

Arapça - İngilizce sözlüğünde Arapça سار kelimesinin İngilizce manası nedir? Arapça dilindeki سار kelimesinin İngilizce dilindeki manasını yukarıda okuyabilirsiniz. سار diğer dillerde anlamlarına aşağıdan ulaşabilirsiniz.

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