
Arapça جسم nedir, Arapça - İngilizce sözlük جسم ne demek?

جَسُمَ: عَظُمَ وضَخُمَ
to be or become big, large, great, sizable, bulky, gross, huge, massive, voluminous, vast, immense, enormous, tremendous; to grow or increase in size or volume

جَسّمَ: عَظّمَ، كَبّرَ، ضَخّمَ
to enlarge, magnify; to make big, large, great, sizable, bulky

جَسّمَ: بالَغَ في
to exaggerate, magnify

جَسّمَ: جَسّدَ
to embody, incarnate, incorporate, substantiate, materialize, give concrete form or body to; to humanize, anthropomorphize

جَسّمَ: أبْرَزَ، جَعَلَهُ نافِراً
to protrude, bring out, cause to stand out; to raise in relief, emboss

جَسّمَ: جَعَلَهُ ثُلاَثِيّ الأبْعَاد
to make three-dimensional

جِسْم: بَدَن

جِسْم: مادّة
substance, matter

جِسْم: كُتْلَة

جِسْم: شَيْء
object, body

جِسْم: شَكْل
form, shape, figure

جِسْم: هَيْئَة، جِهَاز، سِلْك، جَمَاعَة
body, institution, organization; corps; cadre; staff; board; group

جِسْم (الحَرْفِ) [طباعة]
size (of type)

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