
Arapça جد nedir, Arapça - İngilizce sözlük جد ne demek?

جَدّ: صارَ جَدِيداً
to be or become new

جَدّ: طَرَأ، حَصَلَ، نَشَأَ
to have happened lately or recently, be a recent development; to arise, crop up, appear, develop, emerge; to happen, come about, occur, take place

جَدّ: صارَ عَظِيماً أو هامّاً
to be or become important, significant, weighty, serious

جَدّ (في): اِجْتَهَدَ
to strive, endeavor, try hard, make every effort, take pains; to be diligent, industrious, hardworking; to work hard, exert oneself

جَدّ (في): اِهْتَمّ
to take seriously; to be serious about

جَدّ: كانَ جادّاً أو رَصِيناً
to be serious, earnest; to be sedate, staid, solemn

جَدّ: أسْرَعَ
to hurry, hasten, speed, rush, run, mend one's pace

جَدّ: قَطَعَ
to cut, cut off

جَدّ: أبُو الأب أو الأُمّ

جَدّ، جَدّ أعْلَى: سَلَف
ancestor, forefather, forebear, grandfather, primogenitor, progenitor, ascendant

جَدّ: حَظّ
(good) luck, (good) fortune

جِدّ: ضِدّ هَزْل
seriousness, earnestness

جِدّ: اِجْتِهَاد
diligence, assiduity, sedulity, hard work, industry, painstaking; perseverance, persistence
انظر: جِدّاً

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