
Arapça تخبط nedir, Arapça - İngilizce sözlük تخبط ne demek?

تَخَبّطَ: تَقَدّمَ مُتَعَثّراً
to flounder, stumble, blunder, move unsteadily or confusedly, proceed clumsily or blindly, act aimlessly; to grope (about, for), fumble (about, for); to bump, proceed in a series of bumps

تَخَبّطَ: تَقَلّبَ
to welter, wallow, roll (about), toss (about)

تَخَبّطَ: ضَلّ، تاهَ
to stray, wander; to get lost, go astray

تَخَبّطَ (في): وَقَعَ ضَحِيّةَ أو فَرِيسَةَ كَذَا
to fall victim to or of, be or become a victim or prey of

تَخَبّطَ (في): ضاعَ في، سَقَطَ في، غَرِقَ في
to be lost in, to sink in, be immersed in

تَخَبّطَ: تَبَلْبَلَ، اِضْطَرَبَ
to jumble, clutter, run in disorder or confusion, get into a state of unrest or turmoil, be in a mess or chaos; to be or become disturbed, unsettled, disordered, muddled, jumbled; to get all mixed up

تَخَبّطَ: خَبَطَ
ـ انظر: خَبَطَ

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