
Arapça ألف nedir, Arapça - İngilizce sözlük ألف ne demek?

ألَفَ: عاشَرَ
to associate with, mix with, be on intimate terms with, be intimate with, keep company with

ألَفَ: عَوّدَ
to habituate (to), accustom (to), season (to), inure (to), familiarize (with)

ألَفَ: ألِفَ، تَعَوّدَ
ـ انظر: ألِفَ

ألِفَ: تَعَوّدَ
to get used to, be accustomed to, be habituated to, take to; to be familiar with, acquainted with

ألِفَ: أنِسَ بِـ، أحَبّ
to get on intimate terms with, get along with, like someone's company, like (to be with)

ألّفَ: أنْشَأ، شَكّلَ، كَوّنَ
to form, set up, establish, institute; to make, create, build, originate; to constitute, make up, compose

ألّفَ: وَضَعَ (كِتَاباً أو لَحْناً إلخ)
to compose, write, compile

ألّفَ: ضَمّ، وَحّدَ، وَصَلَ
to unite, join, combine, connect, link, put together, merge, integrate

ألّفَ: رَكّبَ
to synthesize

ألْف (1000)

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