
Arapça وضع nedir, Arapça - İngilizce sözlük وضع ne demek?

وَضَعَ: حَطّ، ثَبّتَ، رَكّزَ
to put, place, lay (down), set (down), deposit, depose; to situate; to station, position, emplace

وَضَعَ: ألْصَقَ
to fix, affix, attach

وَضَعَ: فَرَضَ
to impose

وَضَعَ: ألّفَ
to write, compile, compose

وَضَعَ: صَنَعَ، صاغَ، أعَدّ
to make, produce; to create, form; to work out, draw up, draft

وَضَعَ: أسّسَ، أنْشَأَ
to establish, found, set up, institute

وَضَعَ: اِخْتَلَقَ، لَفّقَ، حاكَ
to fabricate, invent, make up, trump up, create, concoct, contrive, devise

وَضَعَ: أذَلّ
to humble, humiliate, lower, degrade, abase

وَضُعَ: كانَ وَضِيعاً
to be lowly, humble, menial, mean, base, low

وَضْع: حَطّ، تَثْبِيت، تَرْكِيز
putting, placing, placement, laying (down), setting (down); depositing, deposing; situating; stationing, positioning, emplacement

وَضْع: تَألِيف
writing, compilation, composition

وَضْع: صُنْع، صِيَاغَة، إعْداد
making, production; creation; working out, drawing up, drafting

وَضْع: تَأسِيس، إنْشاء
establishment, establishing, founding, setting up

وَضْع: اِخْتِلاق، تَلْفِيق
fabrication, invention, making up, creation

وَضْع: وِلاَدَة، مَخَاض
parturition, delivery, (child) birth

وَضْع: حالَة، مَوْقِف
situation, status, state (of affairs or things as they are), condition(s), circumstance(s); position; setting

وَضْع: مَرْكَز
status, standing, position, situation

وَضْع: مَحَلّ، مَكَان، مَرْكَز، مَوْقِع
ـ انظر: مَوْضِع

وَضْع: وِضْعَة
ـ انظر: وَضْعَة، وِضْعَة

وَضْع: حالَة، مَوْقِف
situation, status, state (of affairs or things as they are), condition(s), circumstance(s); position; setting

Arapça - İngilizce sözlüğünde Arapça وضع kelimesinin İngilizce manası nedir? Arapça dilindeki وضع kelimesinin İngilizce dilindeki manasını yukarıda okuyabilirsiniz. وضع diğer dillerde anlamlarına aşağıdan ulaşabilirsiniz.

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