
Arapça منى nedir, Arapça - İngilizce sözlük منى ne demek?

مَنىً: مَوْت

مَنىً: قَدَرَ
fate, destiny, lot

مَنَا (بِ)، مَنَى (بِـ): اِبْتَلَى، اِخْتَبَرَ
to try (with), put to the test (with), afflict (with), hit (with)

مَنّى (بِـ): جَعَلَهُ يَتَمَنّى
to make (someone) desire or wish for, awaken someone's desire for; to make (someone) hope for, give (someone) reason to hope for, raise hopes of something in someone; to promise

A plain within the bounds of the haram of Maccah, within five kilometers outside the city. During the hajj the pilgrims pass the night between the eighth and ninth day proceed to Arafaat on the ninth day.

Arapça - İngilizce sözlüğünde Arapça منى kelimesinin İngilizce manası nedir? Arapça dilindeki منى kelimesinin İngilizce dilindeki manasını yukarıda okuyabilirsiniz. منى diğer dillerde anlamlarına aşağıdan ulaşabilirsiniz.

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